Monday, 1 October 2012

Assignment Topic : Child Abuse

   We were given a choice to choose between two topics for our assignment and it was either 'Child Labour' or 'Child Abuse'. I decided to choose child abuse, and this is because while i was doing my research on these two topics, i was more moved and i felt a greater sympathy towards the topic child abuse from the video and images that i have seen. Not that child labour did not get my attention, but i wasn't very keen on choosing it as my topic. 
     Child abuse is not just about bruises or broken bones. It is more than what we actually assume or think it is. Physical abuse includes shaking, beating, burning, or even biting a child and it is the most obvious type of child abuse. but there are other types of abuses as well, and some we don't usually notice because there are not visible. For instance, emotional abuse. Emotional abuse happens when the child experiences constant and excessive shouting, yelling, shaming, blaming and putting down or making a child feel worthless. Other than that, neglect is also a form of abuse. This happens when the parents/guardian of a child fails or does not provide the child's basic needs for example, food, clothing, hygiene. Also, failure to provide the child's emotional needs, such as supervision, attention and affection. Besides that, most people may not be aware of this but a child may also be sexually abused. This can happen when a child is exposed to inappropriate materials, sexual stimulation, and forced sexual activities. This does not only happen to girls, boys may also suffer from sexual abuse and it will most likely to affect them due to shame, pride and stigma. (Smith & Segal, 2012)
     All types of child abuse will leave scars that last. physical scars might not last forever but emotional ones has a lasting effect in their lives. Children who are abused will believe that they have no value, they believe that they cannot affect the people around them with good behavior, and constantly feel depressed, frustrated or angry. (UNICEF, 2011)
     Even in Malaysia, statistics from the Department of Social Welfare show a rise in reported child abuse cases. " In 2008, child abuse reports rose to 2,780 from 2,279 in 2007 and 1,999 in 2006. Based on 2008 reported figures, neglect is the most common form of child abuse (952 cases), followed by physical abuse (863 cases). Sexual abuse accounted for 733 cases, of which 529 (72%) were incest.Failure to provide care and supervision has become the most frequent cause of death among children. In 2008, 58 cases of abandoned babies were also reported. Tragically, most child abusers of reported cases are parents, immediate family members, relatives or foster parents of the victims themselves." (UNICEF)

These are some of the pictures for child abuse;

Videos on Child Abuse ;


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